English Medium Courses - South China University of Technology
B.Eng. in Computer Science and Technology
Introduction to Computer Science, Priciples of Computer Systems, Data Structure, Program Design of High-level Language, Operating System, Principles of Compiling, Computer Network, Database, Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, The Design and Analysis of Algorithm, Embedded System, Formal Language and Automation, etc.
B.A. in E-Business and Logistics Management
Principle of Computer and Application, Higher Computing Language: C++ Programming and Design, Probability and Statistics, Essentials of Economics, Principles of Electronic Business, Principles of Management, Accounting, Logistics, Supply Chain Management, Operational Research, International Trade and Purchase Logistics, E-Business Security and Secrecy, etc.
B.Econ. in International Economics and Trade
Principle of Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Trade Principle and Policy, International Finance Principle and Policy, Financial Management, econometrics, Introduction to Chinese Foreign Trade, Commercial Law, Accounting, Principle of Management, Currency Banking, Marketing, International Logistics, International Trade Negotiation, etc.
B.A. in Tourism Management
Tourism Studies, Management, Outline of Hotel Management, Marketing, Human Resource Management, Tourism Business, Tourist Consumer Behavior, Operational Management of Food Industry, Accounting, Tourism Psychology, Tourism Resource Development and Management, Commercial Law, Outline of E-Business, Human Resource Management, Marketing, etc.